To download DAYMET data, click the above link. We organize the data by the different Metrics (precipitation, snow water equivalent, maximum and minimum temperature) along with different aggregations (max, mean and median) by the Temporal groups (annual, monthly and weekly). The available data are projected in epsg:5072 coordinate reference system. 

  • DEM

    To download DEM derived data, click the above link. We organize the data by the different Metrics (compound topographic index, cosine and sine transformed aspect, heat load index, cross-sectional, longitudinal, plan and profile curvature, Martonne's dissection, mean slope, slope position, solar radiation aspect index, surface-area ratio, surface-relief ratio, topographic position index and topographic relief index) along with different aggregations (max, mean and median) by the Scale groups (e.g. different window sizes where appropriate; 90m, 330m, 510m, 990m, 1,530m). These data were obtained and derived from the SRTM 1 Arc-Second Global DEM. The available data are projected in epsg:5072 coordinate reference system. 

  • EROS

    To download EROS data, click the above link. We organize the data by the different Metrics (End of Season Time, Start of Season Time, Maximum Time, Duration, Time Integrated NDVI) along with a single annual temporal group. The available data are projected in epsg:5072 coordinate reference system. 


    To download PRISM data, click the above link. We organize the data by the different Metrics (precipitation, dew point temperature, mean, maximum and minimum temperature, and maximum and minimum vapor pressure deficit) along with different aggregations (max, mean and median) by the Temporal groups (annual, monthly and weekly). The available data are projected in epsg:5072 coordinate reference system. 


    To download SNODAS data, click the above link. We organize the data by the different Metrics (liquid and solid precipitation, snow depth, snow melt runoff, and snow water equivalent) along with different aggregations (max, mean and median) by the Temporal groups (annual, monthly and weekly). The available data are projected in epsg:5072 coordinate reference system.